Monday, February 21, 2011

Today's shitty blogger is...Peanut Butter Fingers.

Good afternoon :) Today's featured blogger is Now when I first started reading this blog about a year back, I really enjoyed it. Julie seems like a sweet, fun gal. But her blog, as of lately has been considered "thinspo" for so many girls on the University campus. She is extremely thin, takes TONS of pics of herself modeling various types of clothes, eats very little calories, works out a lot. Even on her honeymoon she seemed to workout everyday. It's your honeymoon! You won't gain 20 pounds if you don't work out everyday. Enjoy yourself!

  Then was the wedding, I'm super happy she got married and so on, but EVERY other post was about the wedding! the flowers, the bridesmaids dresses, the shoes, the dress, the ring, the gift registry, blah, blah, blah. People may not always say it, but wedding details are BORING, unless it's your own wedding. Then it went on, even after the wedding. Ugh. I have to say though, I love when she talks about her dog, she's a cutie. I think Julie's blog has a ton of potential, I don't think she knows that a lot of girls have her blog bookmarked as "thinspo".  If she stops talking about her endless workouts and the wedding stuff, also keeping the full body shots to a minimum, her blog would almost be perfection.

Todays recommended blog is This blog is amazingly wonderful. Caitlin is inspirational and an amazing writer. She wrote the book Operation Beautiful, which I own. It's such a great book, we highly recommend it. She lives a super healthy life, has a lot of fun, has a great husband and is witty and funny :) Check out her blog :)

Stay tuned till tomorrow.....

1 comment:

  1. I have to disagree. Julie eats perfectly healthy and works out in a controlled and admirable fashion. I love that she takes lots of pictures of herself, they are not usually of her body, and sure she is thin but I would argue she isn't sickly skinny..she is in great shape because she works hard and eats right. She has a positive body image and I think that it is ridiculous that you have a blog that bashes other people's healthy living blogs. Julie actually eats quite a few calories a day and specifically says that she doesn't even show everything she eats in one day. She is thin and attractive because she leads and active lifestyle and that is the entire point of her blog. It is a big part of her life and people go to her site to hear about new exercises and simple recipes. As a fellow food blogger and avid runner I think she is a wonderful role model to girls everywhere. Its her blog and people want to hear about her life. Her wedding was a huge part of her life and I loved reading about it. I think your blog feeds into the horrible "thinspo" by highlighting the issue even further. There definitely are some pro-ana blogs out there that I think you could stamp "the shitty blogger" sticker on, but PB Fingers is far from that. I think it is offensive that you would target pb fingers before the hundreds of awful blogs out there that are actually are trying to fuel the anorexia, exercise bulimia community. They are out there, they are unabashed, find them and expose them, not a happy healthy blog like Julie's. Leave Julie Alone!
